Understanding the technical side of computer forensics is one thing; learning the laws of the country in which you are operat
Question # 40026 | Computer Science | 6 years ago |
$7 |
Understanding the technical side of computer forensics is one thing; learning the laws of the country in which you are operating is another. Countries handle incidents and legal issues in different ways, depending on their national and local laws. This affects, for example, the definition and characteristics of legal forensic analysis. In this application, you will contrast the forensic evidence laws of the United States and another country.
Choose one law that affects computer forensics (such as the Fourth Amendment, the PATRIOT Act, e-evidence chain of custody requirements, and so on) and write a 2- to 3-page paper comparing that law in the United States with its analogue in another country of your choosing.
In your paper, address the following:
•How does your chosen country's law differ from that of the United States in terms of legislation for e-evidence?
•How does the law compare to that of the United States with regard to the search, seizure, and preservation of forensic evidence?
•Is one law better than the other? If so, in what ways and why? If not, why not?
2 pages will be fine