java programing assginment
Question # 40029 | Programming | 6 years ago |
$20 |
Program Description
In this program, you will be implementing an RPN expression calculator that computes the value of RPN expressions over complex numbers. Informally, complex numbers are numbers of the form a+bi, where a and b, for this program, are assumed to be integers and i is the imaginary number whose square is -1, i.e., i2 = -1. We will evaluate RPN expressions of the form 1 2 i * + 3 4 i * + *, which is equivalent to: (1+2i) * (3+4i) infix.
You must write three classes for this program: (1) a Complex class to represent a complex number as described above, (2) a PostfixEvaluator class to read expressions, evaluate them and then output the answers, and (3) a general Stack class as we discussed in class. Each class must go in a separate file. I will provide
For the sake of simplicity, you may assume that all operands given as input are valid. Valid operands are positive integers OR the imaginary number i. You may assume that the only valid operators are +, -, * and ~, where ~ is the conjugate operator. The conjugate of a complex number a+bi is defined as the complex number a-bi. Note that ~ is a unary operator, meaning it operates on exactly one operand, whereas +, - and * are all binary operators, which means they operate on exactly two operands. Since division is not a valid operator, you DO NOT have to check for division-by-zero in this program.
When given an input RPN expression, you must check for all possible error conditions but keep in mind that all operands given will be valid. Each input RPN expression will be input on its own line with spaces separating operands and operators. Evaluate and output (echo) each expression as you read it in. If you detect that an expression is invalid, then only output the expression starting from the beginning up to and including the point at which you detect the error. Thus, for valid expressions, you will output the entire expression. When you echo the expression, make sure there is exactly one space following each operator or operand and there should be no trailing spaces. If an expression is invalid, after you echo the (portion of the) expression, output "Invalid Expression!" on the next line. If the expression is valid, then output "value: X", where X is the result of invoking toString() on the Complex object that represents the value of the just-evaluated-expression.
As you evaluate each expression, store the result of every valid expression in an ArrayList, in the order in which the result was computed, that is, first result is stored at first position, second at second position, etc. You MUST use a generic ArrayList for this task. Have the declaration private ArrayList<Complex> answers; in your program (don't forget to instantiate it before you use it!). To add a Complex object to answers, use the add() method of ArrayList. When you are done evaluating all of the expressions, loop through your ArrayList of results and print each one out on its own line. You may use the get() method of ArrayList in the loop to access the Complex objects one by one. As you are printing out each of the answers, output whether each result is real, complex or imaginary. For a complex number z=a+bi, z is real if b=0, z is imaginary if a=0 and z is complex if neither of the previous two conditions hold. Print "Normal termination of program 3." before the program stops.
Program Requirement
Submit the following files:
2. The requirement for Stack class, Complex class and PostfixEvaulator class is as follows.
Stack Class
This is a general Stack class and you MUST use an array of Object to implement the Stack class, or -2 points. You CANNOT do I/O in this class, -2 points if you did. You MUST have pop() and push() methods. Make sure you have a constructor that takes an integer that represents the capacity of the Stack. You may need
a clear() method and isEmpty() method.
Complex class
The Complex class represents a complex number of the form a+bi, where a and b are integers. Your Complex class MUST have the following--and ONLY the following--public methods. -2 points for each method not defined or not used; -2 points if you add additional methods. You CANNOT do I/O in this class. -2 points if you did.
o public Complex(): this constructor creates the default complex number a+bi where a=b=0.
o public Complex(int a): this constructor creates the complex number a+bi, where b=0.
public Complex(int a, int b): this constructor creates the complex number a+bi where a and b are integers.
public Complex plus(Complex cp): this method returns a new Complex number that represents the sum of two Complex numbers. For example, should return (a+c)+(b+d)i if c1 is a+bi and c2 is c+di.
public Complex minus(Complex cp): this method returns a new Complex that represents the difference between two Complex numbers. For example, c1.minus(c2) should return (a-c)+(b-d)i if c1 is a+bi and c2 is c+di.
public Complex times(Complex cp): this method returns a new Complex that represents the product of two Complex numbers. For example, c1.times(c2) should return (ac-bd)+(ad+bc)i if c1 is a+bi and c2 is c+di.
public Complex conjugate(): this method should return a new Complex that is the conjugate of a Complex number. The conjugate of a complex number a+bi is the complex number a-bi.
public boolean equals(Object obj): this method returns true if two Complex numbers have the same real and imaginary; return false otherwise.
public String toString(): this method returns a complex number as a String. The return value should not contain any redundant symbols. For example, if z=5+0i, then you should return "5". If z=7+-3i, then you should return "7-3i". If z=0+0i, then you should output "0". If z=0+1i, then you should output "i". If z=0+-1i,
then you should just output "-i".
You must create JUnit test for Complex class. The test cases must be thorough! and
PostfixEvaluator class
This class allows the user to input and evaluate RPN expressions either via the command line or from an input file. You MUST handle I/O in this class.
ONLY one public method is allowed with the signature: public void run() throws IOException. Make sure you have the signature of this method correct, especially the throws IOException part. No methods can have more than 35 lines of code. I will count the opening and closing braces, and all empty lines between statements. Therefore, you WILL need some private helper methods. You should have the following--and ONLY the following--private data fields. -2 points for adding additional data fields.
private static final int STACK_SIZE = 100; private Stack operand;
private String expression;
private ArrayList<Complex> answers; // you must import java.util to use ArrayList;
Use a BufferedReader to read the input. Import* and include the following lines in your run() method:
//BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(""));
Having the two lines as above, your program will read from the standard input (you type in input). By commenting out the first line and uncommenting the second, your program will read from the file (put this file at the top level of your Prog3 project folder next to but not inside of the "src" folder). When you submit your java files to the GRADER, have it as above with the first line uncommented and the second line commented.
Have a loop that reads input until there is no more input to read. You should read a line of input by using the readLine() method of BufferedReader. This method reads a line of text. A line is considered to be terminated by any one of a line feed (\n), a carriage return (\r), or a carriage return followed immediately by a linefeed(\r\n). NOTE: This method returns a String containing the contents of the line, not including any line-termination characters, or null if the end of the input has been reached.
Compute and output each expression as you read it in. Output should be of the form "Expression X is: Y", where X is the number of the expression (the first expression is 1, the second is 2, etc.), and Y is the expression with exactly one space after each token, except for the last token, which does not have any trailing spaces. If the expression is invalid, then Y is the portion of the expression, from the beginning, up to and including the point at which the expression was determined to be invalid. See the sample output for details.
When you are evaluating each expression, you will need to push() and pop() your operand stack. You must ONLY push instances of Complex. Thus, when you pop(), you must type cast Object to Complex.
After you output each expression, output the result of evaluating the expression (the answer). If the expression is valid, then output "value: X", where X is the value returned by invoking toString() on the Complex that represents the result of the expression. If the expression is invalid, then output "Invalid expression". See the sample output for details. For each valid expression, store the result in ArrayList answers.
When the return value of readLine() is null, then there are no more expressions. At this point, you should output all of the results, one per line. Output should be of the form "X is Y", where X is the result of invoking toString() on a Complex, and Y is either "real", "imaginary" or "complex" depending on whether or not X is real, imaginary or complex. See the sample output for details. In order to determine whether each answer is real, imaginary or complex, you can use any of the public methods of Complex class, but you CANNOT use the toString() in your if/else statements. -2 points if you did. Before terminating the program, print the phrase: "Normal termination of program 3.".
3 | P a g e
Sample Input
i ~
3 *
2 *
7 +
5 +
20 -
17 -
i 2 +
i + i 2 *
i * i 10 - i 0 -
i -
34 i * +
i 34 * +
64 i * -
i 1 * -
i 1 * +
100 3 i * + -
99 i 7 * - -
2 3 i * + +
5 i 7 * + -
13 17 i * + *
3 i * + 31 +
i 7 * + 63 -
17 i * + 2 *
2 i * + 2 i 3 * - +
2 i * + 2 i 3 * + *
13 27 i * + 12 i 13 * + - 43 17 i * + ~ 15 i 7 * - + 2 3 i * + 2 3 i * + ~ -
5 i 7 * + 14 7 i * + - 14 7 i * + 5 i 7 * + - 8 9 i * + ~ ~
i 1 + 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 i * - + + + + + + * + 1 2 i * / 3 i * 4 +
197 24 i * + 211 133 i * - ~
1 2 i * + 3 i 4 * - * *
i 1 2 3
Sample Output
Expression 1: 0 value: 0 Expression 2: 0 ~ value: 0 Expression 3: 5 ~ value: 5 Expression 4: i ~ value: -i
Expression 5: 2 3 * value: 6
Expression 6: 3 2 * value: 6
Expression 7: 5 7 + value: 12 Expression 8: 7 5 + value: 12
Expression 9: 17 20 - value: -3
Expression 10: 20 17 - value: 3
Expression 11: i value: i
Expression 12: i 2 + value: 2+i Expression 13: 2 i + value: 2+i Expression 14: i 2 * value: 2i
Expression 15: 2 i * value: 2i
Expression 16: i 10 - value: -10+i Expression 17: i 0 - value: i
Expression 18: 0 i - value: -i
Expression 19: 12 34 i * +
5 | P a g e
value: 12+34i
Expression 20: 12 i 34 * + value: 12+34i
Expression 21: 37 64 i * - value: 37-64i
Expression 22: 13 i 1 * - value: 13-i
Expression 23: 13 i 1 * + value: 13+i
Expression 24: 0 100 3 i * + - value: -100-3i
Expression 25: 0 99 i 7 * - - value: -99+7i
Expression 26: 31 2 3 i * + + value: 33+3i
Expression 27: 63 5 i 7 * + - value: 58-7i
Expression 28: 2 13 17 i * + * value: 26+34i
Expression 29: 2 3 i * + 31 + value: 33+3i
Expression 30: 5 i 7 * + 63 - value: -58+7i
Expression 31: 13 17 i * + 2 * value: 26+34i
Expression 32: 1 2 i * + 2 i 3 * - + value: 3-i
Expression 33: 1 2 i * + 2 i 3 * + * value: -4+7i
Expression 34: 13 27 i * + 12 i 13 * + - value: 1+14i
Expression 35: 43 17 i * + ~ 15 i 7 * - + value: 58-24i
Expression 36: 2 3 i * + 2 3 i * + ~ - value: 6i
Expression 37: 5 i 7 * + 14 7 i * + - value: -9
Expression 38: 14 7 i * + 5 i 7 * + - value: 9
Expression 39: 8 9 i * + ~ ~ value: 8+9i
Expression 40: i 1 + 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 i * - + + + + + + * + value: 85-19i
Expression 41: 1 2 i * /
Invalid Expression!
Expression 42: +
Invalid Expression!
Expression 43: ~
Invalid Expression!
Expression 44: 197 24 i * + 211 133 i * - ~
Invalid Expression!
Expression 45: %
Invalid Expression!
6 | P a g e
Expression 46: 1 2 i * + 3 i 4 * - * *
Invalid Expression!
Expression 47:
Invalid Expression!
Expression 48: i 1 2 3
Invalid Expression!
The list of good answers is: 0 is real
0 is real
5 is real
-i is imaginary 6 is real
6 is real
12 is real
12 is real -3 is real 3 is real
i is imaginary 2+i is complex 2+i is complex 2i is imaginary 2i is imaginary -10+i is complex i is imaginary -i is imaginary
12+34i is complex
12+34i is complex
37-64i is complex
13-i is complex
13+i is complex -100-3i is complex -99+7i is complex 33+3i is complex 58-7i is complex 26+34i is complex 33+3i is complex -58+7i is complex 26+34i is complex 3-i is complex -4+7i is complex 1+14i is complex 58-24i is complex 6i is imaginary
-9 is real 9 is real
8+9i is complex
85-19i is complex
Normal Termination of Program 3.
7 | P a g e