SCMA 2040 Social Research Methods
Question # 40065 | Writing | 6 years ago |
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SCMA 2040 Social Research Methods
Winter 2016
Dr. Don Moore
Annotated Bibliography Assignment Sheet
Due Date: Week 5
Grade Value: 10%
REQUIREMENTS: Your annotated bibliography represents the initial literature review and possible sources list for your final research paper. A bibliography lists ALL the sources you have consulted, as opposed to the Works Cited or Reference List which only list those sources which you have directly quoted or paraphrased from. Annotated bibliographies follow either MLA or APA style in regards to their layout. They start with short opening paragraphs that states the basic research question guiding your literature review, or as close as you have come to a guiding thesis argument/thesis paragraph. After each bibliographical entry, a short (two to four sentence) paragraph should follow, starting on a new line, but indented the same as the second and all subsequent lines of a standard bibliographical entry. The only line of an annotated bibliography entry which is NOT indented .5” is the very first line (usually starting with the last name of the author).
Style requirements: Must follow either APA or MLA style, be written in 12pt Times New Roman font, regular margins, and double-spaced.
All assignments must be handed in via the electronic dropbox found on the course website. Late penalty is 5% per day, and essays will not be accepted after one week late.
Any thesis topic related to depictions of terrorism and/or terrorists in the media.