SCI210: Week 4 Assignment 1 - Making A Difference: Biome in Danger - Essay
Question # 40066 | Writing | 6 years ago |
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Making A Difference: Biome in Danger - Essay
This assignment supports the following objective(s):
• Relate challenges in sustainability and the preservation of life and ecological systems to current and contemporary issues, as well as to historical challenges. • Identify the components of an ecosystem and determine the economic services supported by an ecosystem. Assignment overview For this assignment, discuss ecosystem failure and propose actions to prevent any further degradation of an ecosystem.
Deliverables • A 500 – 750 word essay in MSWord (download the Essay Form in Step 1 below). o Include the proper file naming convention: SCI210_wk4_assn1_jsmith_mmddyyyy Assignment details: Step 1: Downloand the Essay Form document to begin composing your essay.
Step 2: Using the outline/rough draft you developed in Week 3, compose your essay on your chosen biome in danger. Be convincing in your statements and use proper spelling and grammar. Provide no less than two sources for this essay and cite and reference them using the proper APA format.
Rubric: See assignment rubric for grading details.
Checklist Before you turn in your assignment, did you address the following and use the assignment rubric to check your work? Points Mechanics (spelling and punctuation) and grammar are error-free 10 Did you meet the listed objectives above? •Identify the components of an ecosystem and determine the economic services supported by an ecosystem. •Relate challenges in sustainability and the preservation of life and ecological systems to current and contemporary issues, as well as to historical challenges. Description of the components of the biome in danger 30 Identification of changes occurring to decrease the biome’s ability to sustain itself 30 Identification of forces causing the degradation of this ecosystem 30 Identification of possible actions that can be taken to improve this ecosystem 30 Use of at least two references with proper APA notation 10 Total Points 140