Elaboration on the compare contrast paper due on Nov 13.
Question # 40072 | Writing | 6 years ago |
$15 |
Elaboration on the compare contrast paper due on Nov 13.
Compare and contrast the various models/ideas developed in this courseand how they relate to the issue of the impact of new technologies.
(This paper is centered around the models discussed and presented in class and the readings. The paper should focus on using the theoretical frames like Christensen and/or Hamel or Carr, etc. To see how well they help to explain the rise/fall/current situation of a particular technology. For example use both the Christensen and Hamel models to talk about Microsoft. Use ALL the readings used in this course so far to help frame your argument. Do the models reasonably explain i.e. Microsoft’s rise to its current position? Do the models help predict what is likely to happen to i.e. Microsoft? Is one model better than the other? Why? You may or may not use an example to compare and contrast the theories.)
ALL the required readings, and the YouTube videos as the basis of your discussion (6-7 pages double spaced).Due February 13.
Course Readings:
1- John McPhee --The Control of Nature: ATCHAFALAYA
2- Clayton Christensen—Disruptive Technology
http://www.uwf.edu/sahls/medicalinformatics/docfiles/Disruptive%20Technologies.pdf Christensen and Bower
http://www.npcentral.net/resources/disruptiveinnovations.pdf Christensen/Bohmer/Kenagy
http://sprott.carleton.ca/~callahan/sub/4607/patterns.pdf Callahan
3-Utterback – Dominant Designs
http://www.garylilien.info/publications/93%20-%20Emergence%20of%20Dominant%20Designs.pdf Srinivasan/Lilien/Rangswamy
4- Hamel --Leading the Revolution – Technology and Strategy
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btxJDA1PHSk It organizations adapting
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Sq0-vtWHLM&feature=related ****challenges
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVMkkModUXM social media
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVX8XhiR1UY management must be reinvented
1- Nicholas Carr (6/23/10) The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains:
2- Why the Human Brain Can't Multitask:
3- Marc Goodman: A vision of crimes in the future:
4- IBM Impact 2010: Day 3 - Ray Kurzweil (part 1 of 3):