Group think Worksheet
Question # 40107 | Writing | 5 years ago |
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The textbook introduces this case from an organizational culture perspective (see p. 79-80), but we will look at their decision-making process with this video.
Groupthink Worksheet
Ch 8 (15 pts)
After watching the video clip, make sure you can answer the following questions:
What is 'groupthink?' Provide a definition from the textbook with an appropriate citation in APA (author, year) (4 pts)
Give a specific example of ‘groupthink’ from the video clip. (3 pts)
What caused 'groupthink' in the decision process of the Challenger launch? ( 2 pts)
What was the consequence of groupthink in this case? ( 2 pts)
What should NASA have done to avoid the Challenger and Columbia tragedies? What would you suggest? Support your suggestion(s) with the textbook (Author, year). (4 pts)