CS538 SIUC 2015 Homework 1: Cognitive Radio Networks
Question # 40124 | Computer Science | 5 years ago |
$30 |
SIUC 2015 Instructor: Dr. Henry Hexmoor
Homework 1: Cognitive Radio Networks
6 points/100
Due in two weeks after assignment—must upload to D2L
This is an individual homework and no teaming is allowed.
Write a 2000 words paper describing two separate recent (i.e., 2013-now) approaches for application of game theory for spectrum sharing in cognitive radio networks. Describe each node as a decision maker, the network structure, and the entities flowing among the nodes. Explain the game being played and the accepted analysis for it. State other sufficient technical details as well as deployments, as applicable.
You must use multiple, fully published sources and cite them all.