Research paper about Network traffic analysis using sniffer.
Question # 40143 | Computer Science | 6 years ago |
$15 |
Research paper about Network traffic analysis using sniffer.
Guidelines for the Term Paper
1. The term paper shouldn’t be merely a compilation or survey. It should contain some original thought, ideas and/or analysis.
2. Length: 5 pages
3. Font: 12 point, Times New Roman, double spacing
4. Content: Title, Author name, affiliation, abstract, list of key words, introduction, related work, customized middle section, conclusion (typically, you would briefly introduce the problem area or technique you are looking at, what others have done (related work), need for your piece, what you propose/have done, justification, conclusion).
5. Page numbers: bottom right
6. Section headings and subheadings: Bold, left-justified, numbered (difference between them clear)
7. Text justified.
8. Margins: One inch all around.
9. Table and figure captions: Centered with title-style capitalization with titles numbered.
10. Reference list: At least 5 refereed (not online sites or white) papers
11. IEEE style for citation and references and no plagiarism.