Systems Leadership Annotated Bibliography Assignment Directions v1 3
Question # 40151 | Health & Medical | 6 years ago |
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Annotated Bibliography Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to assist students in refining their information literacy while engaging in the act of being subject matter experts. The following is a list of resources that you may choose from to complete this assignment. In addition to the 15-journal articles listed below you are encouraged to complete your own online search through the Becker College library resources. Students are also welcome to do conventional web searches, with the expectation that they critically assess the credibility of site authors and appropriateness of site content for a scholarly audience. Please note that students should pay close attention to the following six specific details in their annotation:
The authority and qualifications of the author.
The scope and main purpose of the journal article.
The relationship of other works, if any, in the field.
The major bias or standpoint of author(s)
The audience and the level of reading difficulty.
Summary comments which include the student’s reaction to the journal article and its implication on their nursing practice.
Students are required to submit a total of 3-annotations. Each annotation should be approximately 500-words. Students are required to upload a copy of each journal article along with their annotated bibliography to the assignment page in the Canvas course room. Each student will have an opportunity to submit a draft of their work for instructor feedback by the end of Module 3. Final submissions for this assignment must be submitted to the Canvas course room by the end of Module 5.
The articles that students select should be from scholarly journals that will contribute to the references utilized for the course project bibliography. Therefore, each group member is required to submit 3-unique articles. Duplicate articles will not be accepted from members of the same working group.
Students have the ability to earn a maximum of 30-total points towards the course grade on this assignment. All submissions must conform to APA-6 format guidelines.
Examples of Appropriate Resources
Reducing Specimen Identification Errors.
Rees, Susan DNP, RN, CPHQ, CENP; Stevens, Linda MS, RN-BC, CPHQ; Mikelsons, Diane MN, RN; Quam, Elsa MT, ASCP; Darcy, Teresa MD, MMM
Journal of Nursing Care Quality. 27(3):253-257, July/September 2012.
Empowering Sustained Patient Safety: The Benefits of Combining Top-down and Bottom-up Approaches.
Stewart, Greg L. PhD; Manges, Kirstin A. RN; Ward, Marcia M. PhD
Journal of Nursing Care Quality. 30(3):240-246, July/September 2015.
The Evaluation of a Web-Based Reporting System
CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing. 30(7):386-394, July 2012
Li, Justin W. BA; Morway, Laurinda MEd; Velasquez, Andrew BA; Weingart, Saul N. MD, PhD; Stuver, Sherri O. ScD
Journal of Patient Safety. 11(1):42-51, March 2015.
Bell, Sigall K. MD *; White, Andrew A. MD +; Yi, Jean C. PhD ++; Yi-Frazier, Joyce P. PhD [S][//]; Gallagher, Thomas H. MD +
Journal of Patient Safety.
Does Physician's Training Induce Overconfidence That Hampers Disclosing Errors?.
Brezis, Mayer MD, MPH *; Orkin-Bedolach, Yael MD *; Fink, Daniel MD +; Kiderman, Alexander MD ++
Journal of Patient Safety.
Norton, Elizabeth K. MS, RN, CNOR *; Singer, Sara J. MBA, PhD +++; Sparks, William MD [S]; Ozonoff, Al PhD [//][P]; Baxter, Jessica RN, BSN *; Rangel, Shawn MD, MSCE #
Journal of Patient Safety.
Setting Up a Patient Care Call Center After Potential HCV Exposure.
Friedman, Candace MPH *; Bucholz, Brigette MPH *; Anderson, Susan G. MBA, MSN *; Dwyer, Shon A. RN, BSN, MBA +; Aguirre, Josephine BA, MA ++
Journal of Patient Safety.
Nursing and Medical Perceptions of a Hospital Rapid Response System: New Process But Same Old Game?.
Douglas, Clint PhD, RN; Osborne, Sonya PhD, RN; Windsor, Carol PhD, RN; Fox, Robyn PhD, RN; Booker, Catriona PhD, RN; Jones, Lee BSc(Hons); Gardner, Glenn PhD, RN
Journal of Nursing Care Quality.
Protecting Patient Safety: Can Video Monitoring Prevent Falls in High-Risk Patient Populations?.
Sand-Jecklin, Kari EdD, RN, AHN-BC; Johnson, Jennifer Ray BSN, RN, CNRN; Tylka, Sharon BSN, RN
Journal of Nursing Care Quality.
Accidental Decannulation Following Placement of a Tracheostomy Tube.
C. White, Alexander; Purcell, Elaine; Beth Urquhart, Mary; Joseph, Bernard; H. O¿Connor, Heidi
Department of Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine, Rose Kalman Research Center, New England Sinai Hospital, Stoughton, Massachusetts
Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Division, Tufts Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts
Department of Quality Management, New England Sinai Hospital, Stoughton, Massachusetts
Respiratory Care (RESPIR CARE), Dec2012; 57(12): 2019-2025. (7p)
Understanding clinical review following a death in custody.
Carter, Helen; Goodwin, Sarah
Independent healthcare adviser, The Oxford Healthcare Partnership, Oxford
Nursing Standard (NURS STAND), 11/20/2013; 28(12): 54-59. (6p)
The Epidemiology of Falls In Hospitalized Children.
Razmus, Ivy; Davis, Donna
Quality Analyst, Quality Improvement, Saint Francis Health System, Tulsa, OK.
ality Improvement Manager, St. Francis Health System, Tulsa, OK.
Pediatric Nursing (PEDIATR NURS), Jan/Feb2012; 38(1): 31-35. (5p)
Prevention of Falls: Applying AACN’s Healthy Work Environment Standards to a Fall Campaign.
Bechdel, Beth; Bowman, Christa; Haley, Charlene
Nurse Manager, The Reading Hospital, Reading, Pennsylvania.
Fall Resource Nurse, The Reading Hospital, Reading, Pennsylvania.
Advanced Practice Care Coordinator, Progressive Care Unit, The Reading Hospital, Reading, Pennsylvania.
Critical Care Nurse (CRIT CARE NURSE), Oct2014; 34(5): 75-79. (5p)
Jeffs, Lianne Patricia; Lingard, Lorelei; Berta, Whitney; Baker, G. Ross
Journal of Interprofessional Care (J INTERPROF CARE), Mar2012; 26(2): 121-126. (6p)
Journal Article - research, tables/charts