Measuring the Effect of Feedback on Fingerprint Capture[
Question # 40171 | Writing | 6 years ago |
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Questions about case study 10.2: Measuring the Effect of Feedback on Fingerprint Capture[1]
What were the test objectives?
What were the tasks?
What kind of test design was used? _____________________________
What is the main disadvantage of this kind of test design?
Were any steps taken to minimize this disadvantage?
What methods were used to collect data?
Which usability attributes were measured?
For each attribute:
What performance data was collected?
What preference data was collected?
What kind of analysis was done on the errors (distinguish between the qualitative and quantitative analysis)?
State one recommendation made based on the results of this test.
Would it be ok to report the results in terms of percentages rather than in terms of the number of participants in this study?
What are some details which are missing?
[1] T. Tullis and B. Albert, "Chapter 10 - Case Studies," in Measuring the User Experience (Second Edition), T. Tullis and B. Albert, Eds., ed Boston: Morgan Kaufmann, 2013, pp. 237-277.