Enlightenment Era
Question # 40178 | Writing | 6 years ago |
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The Enlightenment is credited with ushering in a period in which the establishment of human rights was central. Revolutions in America and France were inspired by Enlightenment thought. Yet Leahey and Kerber point out an irony: egalitarian democracy extended to half the population -- men. In comparing Leahey's discussion of women and Enlightenment thought and Kerber's, what do you see similar about their discussions and what is different? (one page)
Leahey's discussions about reaction time differences and the personal equation. If perception is personal or affected by context or by culture, what does that say about the validity of science? How does this information fit in to Leahey's early discussion of the "View from nowhere"? Also examine how perception (and culture) influenced the practice of science. In what ways do you see particular ideas influencing the way "scientific" data was interpreted? (one page)
Research on the brain and nervous system offered some new light on the question, "where do perceived objects exist?" Do you think that the mind-body problem was solved by the discoveries in neurophysiology? What parts of the problem do you think were solved, and what issues still remain unsolved?