art work help
Question # 40224 | Writing | 6 years ago |
$10 |
There are 2 parts to this, both would need to be 300-350 words for a total of 600-700 words
Please make sure to cite the sources in a simple author/page format in parentheses - where you are drawing your material from (Smith, 100), or, in the case of web sources, a link.
Part 1
Compare and/or contrast the two artworks in terms of thier form, content and the manner in which they address human sexuality in their respective eras.
Édouard Manet: Olympia (1863)
Catherine Opie: Justin Bond (1993)
Part 2
Compare and/or contrast the two artworks in terms of their form, content, and the social implications of each artists representation of food.
Paddy Carroll Tjungurrayi: Witchetty Grub Dreaming (1980)
Sue Coe: There Is No Escape (1987)