Who are the celebrities currently endorsing the brand? Could it be that there is some type of brand exclusivity and that perh
Question # 40248 | Writing | 6 years ago |
$20 |
1.Read the essay page 39-71 and answer the following three questions. (200 words each-- approximately)
Had you heard of Dsquared2 in the past? How will you describe this particular brand to a friend? So far, what impresses you most about the brand? About the twins? Share your thoughts as to their marketing strategies - their advertising campaigns. What do you think of their season lines? So that we make a connection to Chapter 1 readings, and place you in a particular managerial position for the company, try this situational challenge: Create a fitting archetype for the Dsquared2 brand. How did you choose the one you did and why do you think/suggest it represents the brand properly?
2.Read the essay page 72-103 and answer the following three questions. (200 words each-- approximately)
Who are the celebrities currently endorsing the brand? Could it be that there is some type of brand exclusivity and that perhaps only celebrities can get away with wearing such designs?
How is Dsquared2 positioned in the high-end segments? Are there many brands competing in this level?
So that we make a connection to Chapter 3 readings and place you in a particular managerial position for the company – try this situational challenge:
The marketing director (you) at Dsquared2 has been approached by a mass fashion retailer to collaborate, co-brand, and feature the company’s line of luxury handbags. What questions should be asked, by whom, and what answers would confirm that this is a sound collaboration?