SOC 101 — Introduction to Sociology
Question # 40361 | Social Science | 6 years ago |
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SOC 101 — Introduction to Sociology
Mesa Communlty College
Assignment 2:Sociology Inquiry
Due by 11:59 pm on Sun. Week 4 - submit in Canvas
The primary goal ofthis exercise is to apply your developing sociological knowledge and skills
to your own experiences. observations and interpretations.
Directions and Suggestions:
Choose 2 Events and/0r Observationxynu think are relevant to class material. Examine your
daily experiences and observations for examples you can connect to class information. Think
about past experiences (i.e. high school, your family). Think about decisions you have made.
articles you have read, movies and television programs you have watched, etc.
Describe the 2 Events mid/or Observations. You will need to provide a brief summary of each
event/observation. This should include details such as location. timing (i 5 this an ongoing
event/observation, does it appear to be a one-time event. is this an example of an event that
happens frequently), people involved (Including demographic variables such as race, age.
gender. SES. etc).
Anultcing each Event «ml/or Observation. The final step in the process is conducting an analysis
of your chosen event and/or observation using knowledge of sociological concepts and theories
you have gained from the course Io-date. The most important thing here is that the analysis
should notjust be your opinion about the current event. but grounded in sociological concepts.
theory and prior research. You need to make a connection between the example you have
selected and sociology.
You will need to use at least 3 sociological concepts covered in this course to analyze EACH
current event (i.e. social construction. stratification. social control. crime. deviance), a total 0” concepts. The sociological concepts used to analyze event 1 should be clifl~ rent from those used to analyze event 2. The more specific reference you make to course material (Le. studies discussed in the book. supplemental materials, videos. articles you find on your own). the better your assignment will be. Ifyou cannot apply specific sociological concepts. theories or studies, your assignment is probably incomplete: in this instance. you may want to choose a different event/observation. (hint: you should define AND apply sociological concepts)
References. Remember whenever you directly or partly reference someone else‘s ideas (Le, material from the book) you must use in-text citations and a full reference in APA format. See APA examples under FILES in “Resources” folder for proper formatting.