homework Buis 475
Question # 40421 | Computer Science | 5 years ago |
$10 |
The following questions should be answered in each student journal every week:
* What key concept about project management did you learn about? Explain it in your own words and try to relate it to your group project or other experiences.
* How is your group project going? What is going well and why? What isn’t going so well and why? What have you done to help your project team?
* What have you learned about improving your own presentation style?
* Do you have suggestions for improving the class or how the material is presented?
Students should submit their weekly journal entries as one file on Blackboard. The weekly journal entries are due on the Sunday of the week prior to Midterm and Final exam weeks. A composite of all the journal entries should be submitted on the last day of class, accompanied by a typed “lessons learned” report, summarizing the key comments made in the journal.
Students are also required to write a one-to-two-page self-assessment based on their group project, answering the following questions:
* What were your roles and responsibilities on the group project? How were they decided?
* What did you learn about project management by doing the group project?
* What did you learn about teamwork by doing the group project?
* What would you have done differently? What will you remember to do on the next project you work on after this experience?
* Briefly assess each team member’s performance on a scale of 1 - 10. If you had to give them a grade, what would it be? If you had 100 points to allocate to your team, how would you distribute the points?
BUIS475-575_Syllabus_Spring2019 attached please check attached file