C program to create a simple calendar to the user Calendar Project GENG209
Question # 40429 | Programming | 5 years ago |
$35 |
Problem :
Write a C program to create a simple calendar to the user. The program should start by providing the user with the following options as shown in the following screen shot:
Final Project GENG200 Introduction to Progroming
Calendar Project for the GENG209
1. Find Out the Day
2. Print all the day of month
Then according to the user choice the program should perform the next operation.
If the choice is 1. then the user will be prompt to enter the date as follow:
Enter date DD MM YY) : 12 12 2812
Day is : Vednecday
Press any key to continue
— 0 X
And the program should display the corresponding day for the date entered. If the choice is 2. then the user will be prompt to enter the date as follow:
Enter month and year (MM YY) : 02 2000_
This result will allow the user to navigate to the previous or next month using the left and right arrows respectively. Alternatively go back to the main menu using the Esc key. As shown in the above screen shot.
For every choice you will have a set inputs validation process. So it is highly recommended to think about using programmer-defined functions. You need to remember that some years are leap year. thus February month has to show 29 days calendar otherwise 28 days calendar should be displayed You may need to use some form &lin- reference. You must provide nicely formatted output, for every operation. Your program should continue working by going back to the main menu until the user chooses to stop. (Choose the exit option). See the attached file for more details and screen shots.