ENC 1102: Argument Synthesis Essay (1200 words minimum)
Question # 40465 | Writing | 5 years ago |
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ENC 1102: Argument Synthesis Essay (1200 words minimum)
FORMAT: Typed and double-spaced in MLA format.
OBJECTIVE: A synthesis is a written discussion that draws on two or more sources in which you make explicit the relationships that you inferred among separate sources. However, before you’re in a position to draw relationships between sources, you must first summarize those sources. The main aim of argument synthesis essay, as its name obviously implies, is to argue a certain topic. Your job in writing an argument synthesis is to argue/persuade that a particular and debatable claim is true.
*This essay will include support from secondary sources in the form of TWO scholarly articles that you locate within the library’s databases.
TOPIC: Octavia Butler’s Kindred takes a fresh look at the slave narrative, which is one of the first forms of African-American literature. In doing so, she revises the historical trauma associated with slavery and makes it relevant again over 150 years later. Indeed, the novel is not simply an historical novel, but a reevaluation of history and the imbalance of power that exists in any dynamic between unequal partnerships.
Your essay should be structured thusly:
Two part title: ____broad__:____specific ____author and title____
Introduction- begin with broad summative sentence that includes author and title. The rest of the intro should provide specific context to lead the reader to your thesis. Two- part thesis must be structured in such a way as to include “as a means to” between the first part (what the author does) and the second part (how he does it).
Summary of article 1 (with specific awareness to your topic)
Summary of article 2 (with specific awareness to your topic)
4-6. Critical analysis of novel with specific awareness to your topic with specific support
from the novel and content from your secondary sources. You should strive for a
sustained analysis about a singular topic—be specific, not broad—drill down for
meaning. ***This section should be broken into three paragraphs that consist of
individual Big Mac quote sandwiches.
7. Conclusion
WRITING TASKS: As you outline and draft your essay, keep the following in mind:
The thesis should be a complete sentence that establishes your topic in clear, unambiguous language that includes “as a means to” between the X and Y parts.
As you’ll discover, summarizing is hard work- you are condensing many pages of text to a few paragraphs. Take a look at WIT 7-8.
A key part of the assignment is supporting your analysis; you must not articulate a personal position, opinion, judgment, belief/value, etc. Rather, you will present your analysis of the novel by supporting your discussion with specific evidence pulled from the text, and a detailed analysis of relevant portions of the text.
Utilize literary present tense.
Your conclusion should expand on your evaluation and explain the significance of your topic.
The essay should use proper Modern Language Association (MLA) formatting – this means one-inch margins on all sides and twelve point Times New Roman font. If you are unsure of format, consult the many online MLA sources available.
While mistakes are inevitable, I expect all drafts to be thoroughly proofread.
ASSESSMENT: Grades will be on the following rubric. Each of the domains is described in terms of specific indicator of achievement level. Additionally, proper quoting, paraphrasing, summary, proper MLA format, heading, in-text citations and work cited page are required and will also be considered as part of the grade.
Below Outcomes Expectations
Insightfully develops a point of view/perspective/position on the issue and demonstrates a strong awareness of audience or purpose
Develops a point of view/perspective/position on the issue and demonstrates an awareness of audience and purpose
Implies a point of view/perspective/position on the issue and demonstrates limited awareness of audience and purpose
May imply a point of view/perspective/position on the issue but with little or no awareness of audience and purpose
Evidence of substantial, specific and/or illustrative with sophisticated ideas that are particularly well developed and supported
Evidence is sufficient and consistent with ideas that are well developed and supported
Evidence is adequate to explain some key concepts, but may lack sufficient supporting details
Contains little or no evidence to support ideas
Organization is logical and coherent, making insightful connections among ideas
Organization is logical and coherent, clearly making connections among ideas
Organization is limited, demonstrating serious problems with coherence or progression of ideas
Organization is so limited that the piece is difficult, if not impossible, to understand
Language and Style
Exhibits skillful use of language, appropriate vocabulary, and variety in sentence structure
Exhibits adequate use of language, appropriate vocabulary, and some variety in sentence structure
Use of language is inconsistent, with limited vocabulary and little variety in sentence structure
Use of language and vocabulary are limited, and piece demonstrates frequent problems in sentence structure
Mechanics and Usage
Is free of most errors in grammar and mechanics
Shows control of grammar and mechanics but may display some errors
Repeated errors in grammar and mechanics interfere with the writer’s purpose
Errors in grammar and mechanics are so prevalent that the piece is difficult, if not impossible, to understand
Uses varied and sufficient sources effectively and documents accurately
Uses sufficient sources and documents accurately
Lacks depth in research for the issue; inconsistently incorporates and/or documents sources
Fails to document sources or uses inappropriate sources