have a research paper
Question # 40483 | Writing | 5 years ago |
$60 |
I have a research paper due by Saturday in business. It has to be at least 1200 words with 8-10 sources. Ignore the parts with the chapter pages from the textbook, but I will need porters 5 forces model and 2 financial ratios in the assignment. Here is the assignment:
There are several business segments that are failing or finding it difficult to keep up with the changes in technology, e-commerce, changing needs of customers and a host of other reasons. Uber is one such company that has disrupted the traditional taxi business, Amazon has disrupted the retail business, E-commerce has disrupted clothing, toys, books, music and pretty much any product or service that one was able to buy in traditional stores. Can the taxi service be saved? Can a retail store be saved? Can a traditional bank be saved? What challenges, opportunities and options does one have in this disruptive age?
Focus on one of the above or find your own business segment that is being disrupted due to the rapid change in many factors as explained above.
Chapter 1-6 focus on the current status of the company or organization that you are investigating. Once you have done a brief analysis, you will begin creating or 'formulating' a strategy for the future of the organization in context. So essentially, you will create a current status of the organization (2-3 pages) and then a formulation strategy (2-3 pages) followed by a clear conclusion of what you have just analyzed. There will be additional resources provided on this in a separate link.
Page 42 Figure -2-1 A comprehensive Strategic Management Model 0 It shows all the chapters that are a part of the Writing Intensive Process and how each stacks up in the steps. For 6 only. All the additional chapters, except Chapter 10 and 11 will be the focus in Assignment B. Chapters 10 and 11 will have coverage in both Assignment A and B. This image is replicated in other chapters also, based on the chapter in discussion.
Page 71 - Porter's Five Forces Model - This should be reviewed in the Assignment A
Page 106 - Figure 4-4 - Provides a summary of key financial rations - You should be able to show 2 or more of these in the assignment
Chapter 6 is important for many reasons in this assignment. This is where you will develop the strategy of the organization going forward.
Write carefully, with proper citations, foot notes, pages numbered and a detailed bibliography of 8-10 resources.
The paper should have a clear introduction (first half page) and then begin the case analysis followed by the formulation strategy.
Font size should be 12 pt with at least 1.5 spacing and 1" margins. Check spellings carefully as points will be taken off for sloppy writing. Create paragraphs on each page with a new concept and do not keep writing without proper breaks.