SOC 213 Critical Thinking Paper
Question # 40625 | Writing | 5 years ago |
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SOC 213 Critical Thinking Paper
Assignment 1 Due: July 20, 2019
Instructions: Select two of the topics in the Family Diversity Section (pp.59-70). Of the five perspectives we discussed from Chapter I choose one of the perspectives to analyze the topic. The paper should be a minimum of 2 pages no more than 3 in length; 12-point font double space. You are to use materials from the text and at least one other reputable outside source(not Wikipedia). A worksite page must be included using the MLA format.
Provide an overview of information related to family diversity. Provide reasons for selection of topics.
Theoretical Section: Select one of the theoretical perspectives for each topic: consensus; conflict; feminism; exchange symbolic interaction and modernity to explain the topic. In the following paragraphs define the perspectives and how this perspective may be used to analyze this topic.
Critical Thinking Analysis
Discuss how using this perspective provides a better understanding of the information related to the topics and include a list of questions that would be addressed by using this perspective.
Grading Rubric:
Introductory section is included, clearly identifies chosen topic, and includes an explicit description of why topic was chosen, as well as research-backed understanding.
Topic is accurately described via the view of the chosen perspective.
Includes an overview of the theory, its key focus, and how it can be applied to the topic.
Concludes with a list of basic questions a theorist from this perspective would ask about the chosen topic.
Integrates different ideas and concepts within a position.
Works Cited page is included and adheres to APA or MLA format requirements.
1-Select two topics from the Family Diversity
section (pp.59-70)
2. Summarize the information in the textbook
about this topic
3.Select one of the theoretical perspectives
(consensus, conflict, feminism, exchange, symbolic interactionist, modernity)
4.Explain how this perspective may be used
to analyze the topic you selected
5.. What questions would the theorist ask about
the topic using the perspective
6. Explain how this perspective provides a
better understanding of the selcted topic