Single parenting and the effects on children/parents
Question # 40640 | Writing | 5 years ago |
$7 |
Literature Review Research Project for Sociology
Topic : Single parenting and the effects on children/parents
I need the links at the end of 5 PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES that were used for this research so I can do the reference page.
Cite two peer reviewed articles after each sentence:
Sentence 1: Restate your purpose statement (copy and paste the approved purpose statement from the introduction)."note this one I have its as follow..."'The purpose of this study is to create awareness of the dynamics involved on the behavior on children and parents in a single parent household.'"
Sentence 2: Why is your topic and problem so important? In other words, what will happen/increase if you don/ study it? (cite two peer reviewed articles staling the problem is increasing)
Sentence 3: What problem has existed in the past because your topic an d problem has not been stud i ed?(.cite two peer reviewed articles suggesting that this has not been studied. This is found in their recommendations paragraphs).
Sentence 4: What methodology has been commonly used in the past?(.cite two peer reviewed article's methodology, located in their methods paragraph)
Sentences 5: Why are y o u using a Literature Review methodology?(cite 2 peer reviewed artides that ex plain the meta-analysis methodology) (This is the answer using a literature review allows the researcher to compare and contrast data already available on the topic and problem in existence. This allows the researcher to better understand the topic and problem through a thorough analysis of recently published peer-reviewed articles to recommend further researchgumgamto researches). "'THAT PREVIOUS ANSWER SENTENCE NEEDS TO BE MIT"'
Sentence 6: Include a sentence explaining that your topic and problem do NOT have support from different researchers. Cite all the articles that support your topic and problem.
Sentence 7: Explain each articles FINDINGS and explainwhat their research found and how it supports your topic and problem.
Sentence 8: Include a sentence explaining that your topic and problem do NOT have support from different researchers. Cite all the articles that support your topic and problem.
Sentence 9: Explain each articles FINDINGS and explainwhat their research found and how it DID NOT support yourtopic and problem.