Procurement Methods and Advances in the Construction Industry
Question # 40697 | Writing | 5 years ago |
$50 |
The aim of this assessment is to enable you to carry out a literature search into the subject of procurement methods in construction and to produce an essay arising from that research. The outcome of your assignment should provide a platform for both researchers and industrial practitioners to appreciate the latest developments and trends in procurement method research.
To investigate the state of the art and trends in procurement research, identify characteristics of different procurement methods and relate these to specific project requirements.
Assignment brief
One of the features of the construction industry over the last three decades or so, has been the use of various procurement methods for the projects such as management contracting, project management and deign and build. With the growth in the use of these methods, a number of researchers have investigated the criteria for their selection and their performance in terms of time, cost and quality. However, them is a lack of reporting on the association between procurement methods and the advanced related issues such as innovation and technology, supply chain, lean construction, buildability, sustainability, value engineering, maintenance cost etc..
1. Review at least 10 recently published refereed papers / reports (2000 — 2018) from well-known academic journals in construction management and provide a detailed coverage of the following issues and how different procurement methods and their characteristics facilitate them.
a. Buildability/constructability
b. Productivity
c. Supply chain
d. Lean construction
e. Sustainability
f. Innovation and technology
g. Value engineering
h. BIM
i. E-procurement
j. You may wish to add your own factors
2. Choose and justify a suitable procurement method for the following brief (one paragraph around 300 words) The client is the Department of Education and they require a New School for children with disabilities. There is a strict moving in day and good quality finishes are required. The client would like to have a clear idea of the costs with some flexibility.
You can also include books but it is important that you look at research journals to capture recent, innovative cutting edge technology. The essay must be well referenced according to Harvard referencing method and marks will be awarded to good review, discussion and critical analysis.
The essay should be neatly presented, formally structured, word-processed and a maximum of 4000 words long (+/- 10%). A word count should be provided; diagrams, tables, references and annexes are not included in the word count. The content of the essay must be related to the relevant theoretical issues, and be fully referenced.
The essay will be marked in accordance with the marking scheme detailed below:-
• Introduction to the Coursework 5 marks
(Has a rationale for the content been established? Has a background to the topic been included? Has the approach/content to the report been set out?)
• Evidence of research/referencing/bibliography: 15 marks
(Does the material appear to come from a variety of sources (at least 10 references), demonstrating a range of research? Are the references properly incorporated into the text? Is the reference list set out in an appropriate way?)
• Technical content: 60 marks
(Is the assignment logically structured with relevant sections? Is the material relevant? Has the assignment brief been fully addressed? Is the material presented in a logical way with well-reasoned arguments and a coherent arrangement? Has additional material such as charts, &/or diagrams etc been provided to reinforce the text where appropriate? Are such charts properly cross-referenced in to the text?)
• Case Study Analysis 10 marks
(Is there justification for the selection and have key criteria being considered)
• Conclusion: 5 marks
(Does the report reach a sensible conclusion that takes into account all aspects of the topic? Does the conclusion summarise the main findings from the research? Is the conclusion substantiated?)
• Presentation & structure: 5 marks
(Is the document neatly presented, word-processed & with a title sheet, page numbering, paragraph headings, 1 'A line spacing etc? Does it have a logical structure? Are there any grammatical/spelling/typographical errors?)