English 126 Essay2: Aruging to Convice
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English 126 Essay 2: Arguing to Convince Krooth
January 20, 2018
You have learned already how to investigate topics while you do research to explore sources, facts, evidence, and the opinions of others. Learning to understand the complications involved in analyzing different points of view on an issue is a good thing, and will help you understand the opinions of others. In fact, you may change your mind about your own point of view sometimes as you analyze and evaluate your research findings and keep asking questions. Your goal in writing this essay is to learn more about Democracy and some aspect of how it works in society today. The intention is to improve your thinking, writing, and research skills.
Let's start with a definition of Democracy. According to the Random House Dictionary of the English Language, Democracy is "government by the people," with "equality of rights and privileges." It is "a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system." It is "characterized by the principle of political or social equality for all." U. S. President Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) defined Democracy as "Government of the people, by the people, for the people."
Introduction to Your Research Assignment
"The Pledge of Allegiance" was written in August 1892 by the Socialist minister Francis Bellamy (1855-1931) and originally published on September 8,1892. From their youngest years in school, children in America have been reciting the pledge of allegiance, with their hands on their hearts. See Lee Greenwood's words about "The Pledge of Allegiance," at https:// www.youtube.corn/watch?v=dSdVEu9-Ym0
The pledge of allegiance to the flag is a pledge to the ideals of our forefathers.
The men who fought and died in the building of this great nation.
It's a pledge to fulfill our duties and obligations [as] citizens of the United States. And to uphold the principles of our Constitution. And last but not least, It's a pledge to maintain the four great freedoms cherished by all Americans,
1. Freedom of speech,
2.Freedom of religion,
3. Freedom from want,
4.. And freedom from fear.
Take Democracy as the context for your Argument to Convince. Then brainstorm to choose a topic from these possible subjects: Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom from Want, Freedom from Fear. Start researching information, facts, and evidence about your topic to study how Democracy works, or doesn't, in our society today. How is Democracy relevant? How does it fail? Narrow your topic down to something you can research and write about very well in just 3-4 pages.
If you chose Freedom From Want as a topic, brainstorming might take you to subjects such as poverty, hunger, and/or homelessness in America. By narrowing it down to one of these topics, you could begin your research by typing your key word into Google. And you could try Wikipedia as a start to searching for more websites. But remember, you can't use Wikipedia in your bibliography, because it's
not entirely reliable. That's why you always need to fact-check and start reading a variety of articles to get some ideas. On the topic of Freedom From Want, you could also work from the essay by Carlos Bulosan on that title. There's plenty to think about and do research on, based on Bulosan's essay, which you can also quote from. Whichever subject you choose to write about, Do your research in the best of the online sources we've already mentioned in class. Always search for the truth, and watch out for fake news.
(See rubric on next page)
___Complex, strong introduction. May be several paragraphs long to introduce and explain how the main topics lead to your claim
___Your claim, underlined
___Ongoing questions
___At least four quotes, each one no longer than four lines long
___Introduction to quotes with signal phrase, including an appositive
___Discussion/analysis of your quotes
___ In-text citations using MLA style
___Critical thinking and analysis as an essential part of your writing
___Conclusion explaining the significance of your claim and including a reference to an alternative point of view. Start a sentence with, "Although . . . " to do this,
___Three to four full pages
___12 point, Times New Roman font
___Double spaced
___Preliminary writings, including an outline
___Rough draft with your editing on it
___Final draft
___Bibliography in MLA style.
Note: You can try Wikipedia as a start to searching for more websites. But remember, you can't use Wikipedia in your Bibliography, because it's not entirely reliable. Always double- check whatever Wikipedia says. It is a good way to find other sources to see what they can add to what you find in Wikipedia.