Marriage and family 2 - 350+ words
Question # 40999 | Psychology | 4 years ago |
$15 |
Do you feel that the increasing popularity of the use of technology in the dating world is a benefit or a detriment to dating? Has the concept of “we met on the Internet” become a common and acceptable method of finding a mate? Has the increased ability to communicate served as a way to build intimacy in relationships or has it created a way to avoid it?
Grading Criteria
1. Student used standard essay format: Introduction/Body/Conclusion.
2. Student demonstrated proper use of grammar, spelling, punctuation, citation style, etc.
3. Student demonstrated an understanding of course content and key concepts, as discussed in the text.
4. Student was able to examine, assess, evaluate, and/or analyze course content and key concepts.
5. Student provided a clear and well-developed response to the question.