I have an assignment
Question # 41097 | Writing | 4 years ago |
$8 |
We will be assessing the state of affairs within a preassigned subject with the goal of drafting a white paper that provides a clear and concise analysis of the topic. Remember, the primary goal of a white paper is to inform unless otherwise instructed. The goal with this specific report is to offer a concise snapshot of your subject. It will educate but will not set out to be the definitive report on your subject. You are writing an update to keep your supervisors informed on a rapidly changing situation.
• Driverless Cars Where does the technology now stand? Either focus on a specific vehicle or initiative OR provide a broad analysis of the current state of things. What are the next hurdles that need to be overcome?
• The report itself should be at least two pages and utilize the following sections
introduction: Explain the subject of the report and what your primary focus is in regards to your subject.
Background or Rationale: What are the circumstances that have led to a need for this report?
Developments: Where do things stand now? What might be on the horizon?
Conclusion: Final remarks and assessment. Remember, a White Paper is focused primarily on informing unless otherwise instructed, so focus as much as possible on
clear observations and less on opinions or suggestions. You can discuss further avenues of research or what information might need to be gathered in the future.
Appendices (These do not count as pages):
• Include a Bibliography (APA format) for your sources (this does not count as a page)
• Brief timeline of events—What did we know and when did we know it? How did relevant events or circumstances unfold?