Discussion 600 words
Question # 41250 | Writing | 4 years ago |
$7 |
Discussion Topic 2: Measuring population risk [200 words]
What do we mean by relative risk as opposed to population attributable risk?
Efforts have been made to standardize methods of measurement of risk factors at the global level, including the WHO MONICA Project in the 19805 and 1990s.
More recently, the WHO STEPS approach to the measurement of population levels of risk factors provides methods and materials to encourage countries to collect data in a standardized manner' (Bonita, Beaglehole & Kjellstrom 2006).
What are some of the things that need to be taken into consideration in collecting global health statistics related to disease risk?
Discussion Topic 1: Controlled Trials [200 words]
Use the TUA library to find an article describing a randomised control trial in an area of public health that you find interesting, and summarise it briefly. What are the benefits and limitations of using an RCT in this specific context (and I'm interested in your opinions, not just the statements from the researchers!}? Could any other study designs have been used to explore the same research question?
Discussion Topic 2: Randomised Controlled Trials [200 words]
When would the use of a randomised controlled trial be inappropriate? Give a public health example and outline the reasons for your conclusion why randomised control trial would not be appropriate in this contex.