Question # 41258 | Biology | 4 years ago |
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In order to be admitted into your respective Allied Health programs, you are asked to solve the following three cases given by the doctors that make up your admission panel:
Case 1:
Ms. Jerry Lin is tall, blond and a very attractive 28 year old female. Ms. Lin considers herself slender, even skinny at times. Her friends are eternally jealous because she eats constantly (they nicknamed her the Grazer), but never gains weight.
Ms Lin is a receptionist at a Fortune Five Hundred firm in Miami, Florida. She confided in her friend Jill that she is thinking of leaving her job. Ms. Lin saw the puzzled look on Jill's face, so she told to her that recently she finds herself sweating excessively, her heart's racing and she becomes very anxious, especially when dealing with the customers. She explained that she doesn't think her company would tolerate such unpleasantness, especially in her position as a receptionist. Jill thought those symptoms were uncharacteristic of her friend (whom she has known since college) so she recommended that Ms. Lin see Dr. Trena. Dr. Trena performs some tests. The results are below:
Results–Case 1
After Ms. Lin was given 250 ml of glucose, her glucose levels increased and then decreased within 30 minutes. It then continued to decrease below normal levels after two hours.
Case 2:
Mrs. Addy Cush is a 45 year old who migrated from Guam to the US about 5 years ago. She is the mother of three boys and works as a Social Worker in Washington DC. Mrs. Cush's friends describe her as pleasantly plump (others whisper about her weight). Her favorite food group includes chocolate, donuts and Diet Coke. Mrs. Cush explained that she eats those foods because of their easily accessibility when she is on the run. She insisted that she also carries a gallon of water everywhere she goes because she often gets hungry and thirsty after her many cases. Ms. Cush confided in her friend Peko that she is sometimes short of breath or winded. Peko thought with her weight and those symptoms that should see a doctor, so she suggested Dr. Tatiana. Dr. Tatiana performs some tests. The results are below:
Result-Case 2
After Mrs. Cush was given 250 ml of glucose, her glucose levels increased and continued to increase within 30 minutes. It then decreased to fasting levels two hours later.
Case 3:
Ms. Diane Keto is a 35 year old high school Physical Education teacher. Ms. Keto considers herself a fit individual. She eats balance meals, exercises everyday for at least 30 minutes, and is relatively stress free. Ms Keto's friend, Dawn, nicknamed her "Madam Guru." Dawn is increasingly concerned about some recent changes she has observed in Diane. The most obvious is Diane's recent habit of snacking at every chance she gets and it is not always carrot sticks. She is constantly drinking water, although that may be due to all that salty snacks she has been eating. The most annoying change that Diane has noticed is her constant visits to the bathroom. She told Dawn that she always has the urge to urinate. Diane told Dawn that she is not concerned because she has been drinking a lot of water. Dawn disagreed and suggested she see Dr. Travena. Dr. Travena performs some tests. The results are below:
Result–Case 3
Ms. Keto was given 250 ml of glucose; her glucose levels increased and continued to increase within 30 minutes. It continues to increase and levels remains elevated after two hours.
Based on your knowledge of Endocrine System, specifically the role of pancreatic hormones in glucose regulation, and given the test results above, determine which woman has:
(i) diabetes mellitus;
(ii) a pancreatic tumor
(iii) no health issues
Your explanation must be logical, and include the physiological basis for the symptoms and the test results for each of the women. You responses must be limited to 250 words per case and must include citations to support your answers.