200 words
Question # 41321 | Writing | 4 years ago |
$4 |
150 words on this article according to question asked (i will provide you article)
50 words on a post you have to write(i will provide you post)
This is an INDIVIDUAL assessment. In Weeks 2-7 you will be required to submit a discussion forum post of 150-200 words in relation to a specific question posed
for each week. You are also required to comment on someone else's post between 50-100 words. You may post as many responses and comments as you
please. The more, the merrier.These questions are:
Each student is expected to post twice each week. One posting should be your original thoughts to the questions posed (150-200 words). The second posting
should be in response to a classmate's posting (50-100 words). You will not be able to respond to a classmate's post until you have posted your own answers to
the following question:
6. Read Donato, R. & Segal, L. (2013) Does Australia have the appropriate health reform agenda to close the gap in Indigenous health? Australian Health
Review, 37, 232-238. Reflecting on this article and other literature and what you have learnt about public health advocacy and activism, has the Closing the Gap
campaign been successful?