2000 words assignment
Question # 41324 | Writing | 4 years ago |
$25 |
Case Study of an Australian Community
The second assessment task for this unit is a case study. This is an INDIVIDUAL assignment (2000 words). Each student will choose one of the groups listed below and develop a case study that describes and analyzes the distinct communicative and cultural needs that would be relevant in developing a public health initiative or program to address a health need recognized in the community. The case study must include the following sections: overview of the status of the chosen community in Australia; review of the health status of the community with a focus on inequities that need to be addressed; description and analysis of communication and cultural factors relevant to the community; and discussion of how these communicative and cultural needs could be addressed in the context of a public health program. The case study must make reference to appropriate scholarly literature.
Students must choose one of the following groups:
1. The Australian Indigenous community living in rural and remote areas;
2. The Afghan refugee community living in urban areas;
3. The Chinese-speaking community living in urban areas;
4. Older adults of Greek or Italian origin (students must choose either the Greek or Italian community);
5. Arabic-speaking women;
6. African refugee community living in urban areas in Australia
7. School-aged children from low SES households in Australia;
8. The LGBTI community in urban and rural Australia;
9. Adult men in urban and rural Australia.
10. People with disability in Australia
Appropriate writing style is essential for this assignment. The case study must be written in formal academic language with complete referencing and must demonstrate culturally sensitive phrasing and word use that reflects the professional environment and conventions of the field.
Students must achieve 45% in this assessment to pass the unit.
I have attached 4 documents which include questions, outline, sample resources, marking sheet [ see attached zip file]
please use Harvard references Style only
i need A++ quality work please