Assessment 3: Reflective journal [Its for my friend]
Question # 41873 | Writing | 4 years ago |
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Assessment 3: Reflective journal
Task Description In Assessment 3, you will write a reflective journal to chronicle your reflections, insights, and ongoing development of knowledge and skills in the applied positive psychology domain. You will submit four reflective practice journal entries (500 words each +/- 10%) during the term.
The first two journal entries should focus on unit content, with the final two entries focused on your reflections regarding the implementation of a self-administered positive psychology intervention for Assessment
2. Your journals will document:
• reflections on unit content, and your growing understanding of how to design, implement, and evaluate positive psychology interventions in an applied setting (Journal entries 1 and 2)
• connections made between unit content and previous life experiences and observations (Journal entries 1 and 2)
• reflections on progress and challenges in implementing and completing a self-administered positive psychology intervention (Journals entries 3 and 4)
• evaluation of changes in perceptions, beliefs, and behaviour during the self-administered positive psychology intervention (Journal entries 3 and 4)
Maximum word count: 500 words (+/- 10%) per entry. This word limit includes in-text citations but excludes any reference section. Meeting the word count is included as a part of the marking criteria in your marking rubric on Moodle. See the Psychology Word Count Information document on Moodle for a rationale for using this type of word limit restriction. Further task details are available on the unit Moodle site.
Example of journal entry: [see attached word file for complete details]
see attached file for it and more details... in the attached
attached 2 pdf are unit content..
and word document file contain assignment details and one example of journal entry