need help
Question # 41880 | Writing | 4 years ago |
$18 |
Could you do the attached work order for me in two days? Important here is the Harvard citation style.
TASK I Brief literature review on a given topic.
Word count:1,000
Hand-out date:30.June.2020
Submission date:29.July.2020
Submission to:MS Teams folder Academic Writing
File to be named:Surname_Firstname_Assignment1_AW_KPZ.2.1I
You are required to write a short literature review about one of the following topics (you can select your topic individually from the list)
-Industry 4.0
-Internet of Things
-Drones for last mile deliveries
-Big Data
-Artificial intelligence
-Climate Change and Sustainability
-Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality
-Smart Tracking
-II. Your short literature review should answer the following questions:
-What is your general topic? Provide definition and citations.
-Why is the topic important? Theoretical or practical justification providing examples and references.
-Within this topic: what is the state of the art (i.e., what works best up-to-date) and what do we still need to learn more about (e.g., limitations, flaws)? Provide references.
III. Important remarks
Your report must further comprise the following minimum literature types:
-10 academic journal references
-2 book references
-2 newspaper/other journal references
-You must apply the Harvard citation style and must include direct and indirect quotes-All literature sources must be in English(i.e., not literature in German)
please deliver my assignment on time, late work will not be accepted.
Have a nice day