4 pages essay
Question # 41960 | Philosophy | 4 years ago |
$16 |
Question for Essay is Below
Why did Descartes doubt that he was a man? Explain Descartes's epistemological constraint. Do you find Descartes's epistemological theory to be persuasive? Why, or why not? Present an argument to support a claim. Give reasons in order to support your views.
-Simple grammar is fine and 4 pages as well.
-Double spaced
Divide your paper into four sections:
1.) Introduction
2.) Explanation of the philosopher’s views
3.) Your own argument for or against the philosopher’s views
4.) Conclusion
Clearly identify each section (For example “Introduction” in your paper.
I do not need a long introduction. Your conclusion should also be quiet brief (you don’t have a lot of space to waste)
I am most interested In clarity and correctness in your writing. It should be relatively easy for me to tell what are you trying to say, and what you are trying to say should correct or well defined.
It is very important that you back up everything you say with reasons and evidence. Use examples.
Organize, your paper (Sentences and paragraphs) so that everything flows logically. When I am reading, I should not wonder “why is he or she saying this now” If I am puzzled why you are making a point or discussing some issue, either at all or in that particular place, this is not good.
Be clear, make no grammar mistakes, spelling errors, or vocabulary errors. Be well organizes into sections. Back up all important claims with reasons which make senses and give a reasonable amount of support for your claims (I don’t expect you to prove every point beyond a shadow of a doubt, but I do expect you to give enough evidence that I say “That makes sense” even if I don’t agree with you. Be correct in what is said, where appropriate (Don’t say things like “Anslem rejects the ontological argument for god’s existence” Some significant part of your paper should demonstrate some original thought on your part. Demonstrate that you have done your own thinking about your paper.
i have attached book pages from p325-p332
Voices of wisdom a multicultural philosophy reader 9e (Gary E Kessler) chapter 7 Is Knowledge Possible?
see attached file