part B: 1000 words
Question # 41972 | Writing | 4 years ago |
$15 |
Part B. Source three relevant journal articles and write a report
For Part B of Assessment 1, you will be required to:
1) Conduct a peer-reviewed journal article search through the CQUniversity library and its databases, and source three peer-reviewed articles relevant to the research interest you identified in your Week 3 forum post. All three chosen articles should be from primary sources, i.e., articles reporting new research findings from an original study conducted by the authors that are published in peer-reviewed journals (not a review article).
2) Write a brief (100-word) description of the methods used to source the peer-reviewed journal articles
3) Write a brief (250-300 words per article) overview of each of the three articles including:
• Why specifically each of the three journal articles were chosen
The researcher(s) aims/research question of interest
• Each article's significance to the area of interest (the relevance and importance of each article to the identified research area of interest)
• The key findings in each article.
The maximum word count for Part B of this assessment task is 1000 words (+/- 10%).
Assessment Criteria
Using a marking rubric, you will be assessed on:
• Fulfilling the requirements of posting on the allocated discussion thread (Part A)
• The quality and thoughtful effort demonstrated in the discussion post (Part A)
• Detailing in the written report the methodology used to source appropriate peer-reviewed journal articles through the CQUniversity library (Part B)
• The relevance of the chosen peer-reviewed articles to the identified area of research interest (Part B)
• The quality and accuracy of the reported overview of aims and key findings of each of the chosen journal articles (Part B)
• The quality and clarity of written communication, including appropriate APA referencing for in-text citations and the reference list, and adherence to the word-limit (Part B).