argument paper
Question # 42129 | Writing | 4 years ago |
$40 |
Please use the annotated bibliography to present an argument of SIOP practices for teachers to use in the classroom with their ESL students. The articles must be quoted. Key words include SIOP, high school teachers, content teacher, differentiation.
Title: Through SIOP, prepare HS classroom teachers content to support linguistically diverse students
Problem Statement: With a continued rise of limited English speakers to the United States, teachers are faced with the immense struggle to meet ESL students content and language goals in the 9-12 grade classrooms.
Rationale: This topic is significant because with the continued growth of limited English speakers, brings an important question: "How do teachers in U.S schools accommodate and support these students who sometimes have little to no English background knowledge?" Especially with high test score demands, many teachers feel lost and confused as to how the best practice is to support ESL students in their classrooms. The aim of my project will be to provide research based practices that aid in supporting these teachers and students with their content teaching through SIOP strategies. I will create a SIOP professional development course and lesson plans that any mainstream classroom teacher grades 9-12 can use to feel confident and prepared to create success with their English Language Learners.
Write a compelling argument that includes the major findings reported in your annotated review along with the significant gaps in the research reported. In essence, you are making an argument that validates the need for your Masters Project. There are two components of this assignment:
Step One: Introduction to the Argument: You will write a brief Introduction to your Argument. There are two components to be included in this introduction: • general information/landscape about your topic with a description of the research problem you will address in your Master’s Project or Thesis. • a purpose statement that includes what you are exploring, why you are exploring it, and for whose benefit.
Step Two: Complete a full-fledged argument. The format of your argument can be a straightforward essay/argument or multi-genred. The structure should follow APA guidelines, however, and be approximately 10 pages in length, excluding the reference list. Use Times New Roman 12-point font and double space throughout. Write in past tense. Do not use acronyms until after you have spelled out the entire title.
Please see the attached example. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!