1500 words
Question # 42152 | Writing | 4 years ago |
$20 |
I got the 2nd topic. It is built on the first one. Do you want to do it again for the same price?
Here is the description:
I. You are required to write ashort research proposal/concept note including a draft introduction for your thesis on the topic of your selection (i.e., as per previous Task I).
II. Your short research proposal should answer the following questions:-What is your general topic? Provide definition and citations.-Why is the topic important? Theoretical or practical justification providing examples and references.-Within this topic: what is the state of the art (i.e., what works best up-to-date) and what do we still need to learn more about (e.g., limitations, flaws)? Provide references.-Within this topic which is the specific problem or gap in practice or research that you want to address? Why is this problem/gap theoretically or practically important?-What and how would you propose to advance knowledge/use/or research on that topic -Hypotheses (e.g., more research needs to be done to analyse the cost-effectiveness of Internet of things)?-Methods:describe why and how data will be obtained –steps: where, when, how, what? (e.g., semi-structured interviews, surveys, etc).-Discussion: describe potential contributions and describe how they add value to what we already know from previous research/practice. Additional, describe potential flaws/limitations of your research (e.g., not enough participants for interviews) and how could you prevent them.III. Important remarksYour report must further comprise the following minimum literature types:-15 academic journal references-4 book references-2 newspaper/other journal references-You must apply the Harvard citation style and must include direct and indirect quotes-All literature sources must be in English (i.e., not literature in German)