8 slides with speaker notes
Question # 42179 | Writing | 4 years ago |
$22 |
Our Topic: self management and emotional awareness at work place
Assessment 2: Intervention implementation and group presentation
Task Description
For Assessment 2, you will complete group and individual tasks that involve choosing and implementing a self-administered positive psychology intervention.
You will:
1. Join a group of 4-5 students on Moodle
2. Choose a self-administered applied positive psychology intervention that all group members want to implement. The unit coordinator will help you form a group and will provide advice on the intervention chosen.
3. Work with your fellow group members to choose specific scales (quantitative approach) or evaluation (qualitative approach) approaches to examine the effectiveness of the intervention
4. Individually implement the chosen intervention in your own life over a period of 4-5 weeks
5. Document your progress and challenges in implementing the intervention (this will help you to develop your presentation).
You will then prepare and deliver a 20-25 minute group presentation with your group members, where you discuss:
• Why did your group choose the specific intervention?
• Why did your group choose the specific approach to measure change?
• Were there any positive changes reflected in the specific scales or assessment approaches chosen to examine the intervention’s effectiveness?
• What worked for you and what were the challenges faced during implementation?
• How could this intervention be tailored for future use with individuals or groups?
It is recommended you start your intervention by Week 6 so that you have sufficient time to implement it for a 4-5 week period.
The time limit of a 20-25 minute presentation equates to roughly 5 minutes per presenter. Meeting the time limit is included as a marking criteria in your marking rubric on Moodle. See the Psychology Word Count Information document for a rationale for using this type of time limit restriction.
Further task details are available on the unit Moodle site.
Assessment Criteria
You will be assessed on:
• Discussion of the rationale for the chosen intervention
• Discussion of the rationale for choice of approach to measure change
• Reflection on changes that occurred as a result of the intervention - cognitive, emotions, behaviour, or wellbeing
• Reflection on the implementation process, including any challenges faced in implementation
• Discussion of how the interventions could be applied to individuals and groups
• Quality of presentation, including presentation coherence, content, style, and adherence to time limit.
• Evidence of individual contribution to the presentation
Assessment criteria and the marking rubric are available under the Assessment section of the Moodle page. Your assessment piece is graded using the Marking Rubric, and so it is important that you refer to the rubric as you prepare your assessment.
Due date: Presentations will be held during Week 11 (28 September-2 October, 2020) with any presentation documents then submitted by Friday2 October 2019 5:00 pm AEST.
Weighting for this assessment: 50%.
In order to pass the unit, you will need to score at least 50% in this assessment.