Please take a moment to refer back to Learning Module 2.
Question # 42207 | English | 4 years ago |
$ 20 |
Use pages 757, 762, and 767 in your textbook as additional support.
Next, review the following video (licensed under Creative Commons use) so that you understand how to assess sources for credibility. Please note that for this assignment, your sources should include the reading from the textbook from Week 1 and two peer-reviewed journal articles from Keiser's e-Library.
First, review your feedback on your Week 1 Assignment. This assignment should be based on your reading in Week 1 Assignment and the reading you selected during Week 1.
In 700-750 words, create a proposal for your intended research for the final paper. You should include the following elements:
Your Research Topic (50%)
- Identify which reading you selected from your textbook.
- Identify your research question.
- If you do not like one of the questions you wrote in your Week 1 Assignment, you may refer to the Argumentative Research Paper Options.pdf Argumentative Research Paper Options.pdf - Alternative Formats
- An initial argumentative thesis statement to be used in the major paper.
- This should be an answer to your research question. Note, this should only be one sentence.
- A 200 word overview of your paper. Use these questions to guide your overview:
- What do you want to argue?
- Who is your intended audience?
- Why may your intended audience not agree with you, but why should they?
- How will you argue your point? Or, what key points will you use?
- Why does your argument matter to your audience?
Your Research (50%)
- Three sources that you intend to use for the major paper referenced in proper APA format.
- A 150-word annotation for each source that explores the source’s value for your paper.
- Include the following sources
- Your selected textbook reading from Week 1
- Two peer-reviewed academic journal articles from Keiser's e-Library
- According to the rubric, missing sources or sources not from Keiser's e-Library / textbook may result in a 20% penalty per source.
Consider the following as prompts when writing your annotation for each source: What are the major points in the source? Consider main arguments, counterarguments, and other points to be made. Are there graphs or statistics that underscore the main points? Is the source written using academic language and appropriate levels of source support? What makes the source credible? Is it a peer-reviewed journal article? What credentials does the author hold? Is the publication reliable? If so, why? Where will you actually use this source in your essay?
Use the format found here: Week 2 Assignment Format.docx Week 2 Assignment Format.docx - Alternative Formats
You may find a sample proposal here: Week Two Sample Proposal Week Two Sample Proposal - Alternative Formats
- Alternative Formats
If you are not familiar with the idea of an argument, click here for a video on what argumentation seeks to accomplish.