How does race/ethnicity shape experiences of Families
Question # 42338 | Social Science | 4 years ago |
$40 |
Paper should be maximum of 3 pages in length, 12 point font, double spaced. use material from the textbook and at least two additional academic sources, and an MLA format when citing your sources and must include in-cite citations, a "works cited" page.
Introduction section:
- discuss the reason for selection of the topic
- utilizing your text and atleast two additional resources, provide an understanding of the topic (definition, data, examples, etc)
Theoretical section:
- choose three of these theoretical perspective (structural functionalism, social conflict, feminism, exchange, symbolic interactionist, or modernity) to analyze the topic.
- include an overview of each theory, its key focus, and how it can be applied to the topic.
Critical Thinking Analysis:
- Articulate a position on the topic, given what you learned about the topic
- discuss how this position takes into account the complexity of the topic
- discuss the limitations of the position
- discuss how your position acknowledges and synthesizes other's point of view (as presented via different theoretical perspectives).