assessment 2 Reflective Statement of Practice [ 300+1300=1600 words]
Question # 42341 | Writing | 4 years ago |
$20 |
Assessment two is in two parts;
1. Watch the program ‘The Tall Man’ (based on Chloe Hooper’s book of the same name) - use this link, The Tall Man
or access via week 5 folder or the Libguide.
Please note: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are respectfully advised that this documentary contains images and names of people who are deceased. It contains very culturally sensitive material. Some students may find viewing this material distressing.
Also view links to relevant media coverage below to help you understand the up-to–date context and do your own further research on this traumatic event and its aftermath:
MPs call on government to drop Palm Island appeal
Money won’t wash away Palm Island’s trauma, Lex Wotton says
Police union angry at compensation payout
2. Write a two-part statement where you:
i) Identify your personal response after viewing the program ‘The Tall Man’ and reading recent media coverage (300 words)
ii) You have a new job working with the Palm Island community. Drawing on and referring to information gained from WS2121 resources, presentations, readings and textbook, you must discuss from your own personal perspective what you personally would do, what you need to know, and how you personally would prepare to enter and work with this community considering past events. While you will include key frameworks, skills and knowledge from this subject, you are required to describe your own actions, preparation and resource needs. This assignment must be your own original work, demonstrating learning from WS2121- (1300-1400 words).
you need Log in to my Jcu learn site
Then read from week 5 to 13 , do to these assignments
With minimum 13 references
Please give me good assignment.
Marking criteria Rubric attached please follow it.
Thank you.