writing english essay
Question # 42427 | Accounting | 4 years ago |
$4 |
this is essay question (do you think automation is going to help or hurt society in the future? )
I write the introduction and theses and you write body paragraph and concussion and fix my writing thanks my writing is below.
Thesis: Automation is helpful in a future community because to learn fast, improve agriculture, and the process would be faster.
Automation is no longer just a problem for those working in manufacturing. Physical labour was replaced by robots; mental labour is going to be replaced by AI and software. Automation technology uses a different kind of system like big or small machine use in industry company operating phone system internet system airplane system and also Automation helps us to save time like if you boss of your business and it help you to control your business from home and spend time with your family so it helps you easy contact with your customer from home if we think we save time for family. Automation helps you to grow your business if you won't sell something automation, IT help to control and share your business information on social media like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube theses most help to find a customer and grow the business. Automation machines help us to work fast and produce good quality without many workers. Automation is helpful in a future community because to learn fast, improve agriculture, and the process would be faster.