Question # 42435 | Writing | 4 years ago |
$12 |
Egyptian Gallery at Brooklyn Museum of Art is closed you can use the Egyptian gallery at Metropolitan Museum or just pick an object from the Brooklyn Museum or Metropolitan Museum of Art website.
Task: Select a work of art that you like. Describe and analyze this piece using the following guideline.
Please follow the format below
Title Page includes:
Your name, Date, Class period and number, Professor’s name cover (Professor Amiri), Title of assignment
Image of the object that you took at the museum or found online
Under the image, you need to write the name, date, material, and location of the piece
The first paragraph is your introductory paragraph. In this paragraph, you must place the reader in the context of the assignment’s location, the purpose of your museum visit, and what you will address precisely.
A detailed description of your observation by looking at different images of the same object or by visiting the museum and studying the object in person.
Researched information
By using complete sentences give more information about the artwork. The museum's websites are very informative sources for required additional research.
Speculation on the purpose and the message that this work of art attempts to convey
In this final paragraph, you are asked to give your overall reflection on this field trip experience within the context of the assignment in the Brooklyn museum of art.
Note: No grade will be given to a student who simply copies information from a book or website and presents the same as if he or she actually visited the museum and did the fieldwork.
This assignment (Number one) should consist of a minimum of 3 pages double spaced typed text. Use all the conventions of assignment presentation: cover page with your name, instructor’s name, the title of assignment, date, class, and section, etc. Type your paper by using one-inch margins, use spell, and grammar check. Submit your presentation through blackboard.
You need an extra page for citation if you are using any other resources as you are researching.
To generate a citation you can use Bibme to auto-create a proper MLA citation. here is the link to Bibme: