Apples from the doesn't apples from the deserts
Question # 42721 | English | 4 years ago |
$12 |
Can you answer these questions from the short story questions is below?
1)What do the different generations in the story inadvertently learn from one another about love? In other words, what does Rivka learn from her mother Victoria about love, and what does Victoria learn about love from her daughter? Explain using examples from the story to support your claims.
2) Analyse the title of the story, "Apples from the Desert." Given your understanding of the story and its characters, why is this a fitting title for the plot? Explain using examples from the story. (Hint: please don't say it is because they grow apples in the desert)
3)Examine the final paragraph of the story. Why do you think the mother tells her sister and her husband different stories? Why does she lie? Explain from your perspective and your analysis of the story.
4)Apples are important symbols across many cultures. Do some research about its use in literature and religion and talk about why you think the author used an apple as a symbol in this story.
5 )This story was told from an omniscient point of view. Did this help the story or hurt it? Would a first-person point of view be better? Explain.