3 pages
Question # 42819 | Writing | 4 years ago |
$12 |
A student's review paper must conform to the following guidelines:
General requirements
Word document (*.doc/*.docx) format
Maximum of four (4) pages
Title page
Up to three (3) pages of content - including references
One (1) inch margins
Typed, using 11 point Calibri or similar font
Page numbers included
Do not display a page number on title page
Free of spelling and grammar errors
Professional style and appearance
Include citations within the text where appropriate
Title page
The title page should contain the following information (in some order)
Title of the peer-review article being reviewed
Student’s name
Course title
Professor's name
Due date of the Paper Review assignment
Except for a minimal use of direct quotes, the review paper should contain your understanding of, as well as your thoughts about, the peer-reviewed article.
Introduce the research conducted by the author(s)
Present the major idea(s) discussed in the article
Summarize the data presented in the article
Discuss the conclusion of the author(s)
Explain the impact the article, as well as its conclusions, may have had (will have) on the field of Interaction Design and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
Students are only required to list references for the material they used in their review paper. Students are not required to list the references used in the peer-reviewed article.
Include a reference for each source (physical, electronic or website) used in your review paper
Students MUST include a reference to the approved peer-reviewed article
Students are not required, but are welcome, to reference other sources as part of their review paper
Format references and citations using a common style