discussion assignment
Question # 42983 | Writing | 4 years ago |
$15 |
This week we explored the challenges of cost and access as it relates to health care.
(1) What factors have led to increasing health care costs?
(2) What are some ways to control these costs? As you discuss solutions, please acknowledge potential criticisms of your proposal and offer counter-points for consideration.
250 word with references
Enterprise architecture is often dependent on the vision, mission, goals and strategies for an organization. Conduct an internet search and locate two healthcare organizations that describe an enterprise structure. Compare the two, making note of the pros and cons of each. Then, develop what you think might be a good starting point for the vendor selection process. For instance, use of RFP, RFI or RFQ.
250 word with references
Please answer the following questions regarding global health and health care reform:
Why is it so difficult to determine which country has the best health system? Describe the empirical issues related to evaluation of the systems as well as possible ways to overcome these difficulties. If you had to choose one, which country do you think has the best health system? Use course concepts to support your answer.
Is death an enemy that is to be fought off at all costs or is it a condition of life that is to be accepted? How does the way we answer this question affect the kind of healthcare system we might embrace?
250 word with references
The phrase "fake news" is one we hear almost every day. Fake news has the potential to impact many of us as we do research, work on our degrees, conduct our military and other professional duties, perform our duties as citizens, and make decisions for ourselves and our family members. So what are we to do? How can we make sure we are getting information that is as accurate and non-biased as possible?
Let's talk about that. Feel free to take a look at these two pieces for some thoughts on the topic:
"Fake Or Real? How To Self-Check The News And Get The Facts" on NPR at https://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2016/12/05/503581220/fake-or-real-how-to-self-check-t...
"Get Smart about News" at the News Literacy Project site. This gives you some ways to see how sharp your news literacy skills are. Here's the URL: https://newslit.org/get-smart/
After you've checked out these sites, you may want to share your views here, focusing on these questions:
What are the potential threats of fake news to my particular field?
How can I be sure that the sources I look at are not fake news?
How can I help others in my circle of influence carefully evaluate sources that they use to make decisions?
Please DO NOT turn this forum into a political diatribe. I will monitor the forum closely and will not tolerate disrespectful allegations from anyone, no matter what end of what spectrum those allegations might be on. This is not a place to discuss politics. This is a place to talk about sources of information. How can we make sure the sources we are looking at are worthy of our trust?
300 words with references