2 pages essay about a interview
Question # 43071 | Health & Medical | 4 years ago |
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Healthcare Administration Essay 2 pages
2 pages essay about a interview
This assignment can be in question and answer "Interview" format (see attached) with answers written in complete sentences. You must include the person's name (1st names only will be allowed, if the person you are interviewing prefers), their profession, how they decided on that profession, what education, specific certifications, and training that was required for them to work in their field, how they see that field changing in the future, and how they use the concept of "Health Promotion" in their job.
At the end of the interview, please add your own reflective summary about the information you obtained. Did this increase your interest in this career, provide any new or surprising information, or change your mind in any way about choosing this field as a possible career?