What are three main effects of racism?
Question # 43194 | English | 4 years ago |
$25 |
Hi there,
I want you to write essay on what are the main efforts of racism? A introduction with thesis statement, 3 body paragraph each for one effort and a conclusion. You must use 2 sources that is mention( I have send you the pictures for that same). The word limit should be 900. And here are some more details.
Start by reading “Black Men and Public Spaces”, by Brent Staples (pp. 152---53 of Successful College Writing), and “Right Place, Wrong Face”, by Alton Fitzgerald White (pp. 236---37). Use the reading skills you learned in the course (preview, read, review). Then, brainstorm ideas and outline an essay that answers the following question: What are three main effects of racism?
Organization: Create a title, one introduction, three body paragraphs, one concluding paragraph, and the Works Cited page. Follow the essay organization you learned in this course.
Style and format: There is no word limit. Write in standard academic English and follow the MLA style, like in previous essays. Pay special attention to identifying your essay, numbering the pages, double---spacing, and indenting every paragraph. Use of sources: You must quote and paraphrase/summarize from “Black Men and Public Spaces” and “Right Place, Wrong Face” in your essay.