discussion assignment [250 words minimum + response to other 3 students]
Question # 43412 | Writing | 4 years ago |
$7 |
Week 2 Discussion Topic
Current debates about ideas to revive the
economy generally fall into alignment with either classical or Keynesian
economic theory. Some suggest that growing U.S. debt is a strong incentive
for tax reform.
(1) Should we have a flat tax? Why or why not?
(2) What are the merits and risks of other tax-based reforms? Please assess at least one additional reform. Examples include, but are not limited to a national sales tax, value added taxes (VAT), eliminating a variety of deductions or credits.
you also need to respond to 3 students, i will send you student post when anybody will posted.. so you will have to replied to them 100 word each post...so its will be 300 words for 3 responses.