English communication
Question # 43474 | Accounting | 4 years ago |
$5 |
Unit 1 Written Work: Attributes Employers are Seeking
Even though you have just read one textbook chapter in this Human Communication course, one cannot help but realize the importance of studying human communication and how it will have personal and professional benefits.
Check out the 2020 report published by The National Association of Colleges and Employers (see link or Figure below).
ATTRIBUTE% OF RESPONDENTSProblem-solving skills 91.2%Ability to work in a team86.3%Strong work ethic80.4%Analytical/quantitative skills79.4%Communication skills (written)77.5%Leadership 72.5%Communication skills (verbal)69.6%Initiative69.6%Detail-oriented67.6%Technical skills 65.7%Flexibility/adaptability62.7%Interpersonal skills (relates well to others) 62.7%Computer skills54.9%Organizational ability47.1%Strategic planning skills45.1%Friendly/outgoing personality 29.4%Entrepreneurial skills/risk-taker 24.5%Tactfulness24.5%Creativity23.5%Fluency in a foreign language2.9%
It's hard to imagine any of these skills without communication! You may utilize information from Chapter One's introduction to communication to discuss how the processes above involve communication.
For this discussion board, create a thorough post (at least one well-developed paragraph) commenting on the list of top attributes/skills and their links to various levels of communication, the different models for communication, or your awareness for communication competence and all that it encompasses (appropriateness, effectiveness, ethical approach, etc.).
(Please keep in mind that you will first need to start a new thread before you will be allowed to read and reply to other threads.)