Question # 43510 | Writing | 4 years ago |
$10 |
Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate an understanding of writing fundamentals and the application of APA 7th ed. guidelines.
Background Information The goal of SMA Grinston’s “This is My Squad” initiative is to build more cohesive teams throughout the U.S. Army. In-processing new soldiers, noncommissioned officer education, knowing your people, and leader development were identified as factors in building cohesion, enabling Army leadership. In your current unit (or a previous unit), identify an opportunity for improvement through the application of one of the factors discussed in the article (in-processing new soldiers, noncommissioned officer education, knowing your people, and leader development). Explain your selection and how applying it would improve unit cohesion and your organization. Be sure to include an example of how you implement the change you recommend.
Topic Army Leadership and the Profession
Resource Requirements ADP 6-22: Army Leadership and the Profession Article - Ownership: This is My Squad Writing Fundamentals Lesson; APA 7th ed.
1. Following the APA 7th ed. guidelines, write an essay. Your essay must: -be a MS Word document -include a Title page and Reference page (DO NOT include an abstract) -address the topic above -include introduction and conclusion paragraphs -be a maximum of two pages (the Title page and Reference page do not count toward your two-page maximum) -follow all rules of grammar, spelling, and punctuation (run a spelling and grammar check before submission) -include at least one reference and in-text citation, properly formatted
2. Upload and submit your essay for grading in blackboard by clicking on the Essay Submission link.
3. Your essay will be evaluated on the expectations listed above, the
assignment rubric, and lesson material (review the Writing Fundamentals
lesson and assignment rubric before you start your essay).
i have attached files. this may be something you may not be able to help with but please let me know