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Question # 43524 | Writing | 4 years ago |
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Students will conduct a service project incorporating leadership principles,
1. Enhance social responsibility through participation in a service-learning leadership project
2. Recognize the connection between social responsibility and service
3. Apply leadership skills, and Mercy and nursing values in a service-learning leadership project
For this assignment, you will complete the following:
1. Select an area of service learning that interests you.
2. The service can be “hands-on, or “remote/virtual” or a combination of delivery methods. Be creative in your approach. Some examples include on site delivery of services or supplies; person to person support; mailed or drop off supportive materials; providing service through social media; and electronic communication (zoom, facetime, etc) to those in need. Consider the many people in need at this time including the community where you live, your learning community, your spiritual community, or groups and individuals of a wider geographic area. Part of leadership is to be creative and thinking outside of the box in a difficult situations, such as a pandemic!
3. Complete the attached Service-Learning Leadership Project Assignment.
Assignment guidelines – 10%
Part 1: Assessment and identification of service need – 10% (Contemplation)
In a narrative format, describe the service agency including its mission and demographics served and service need. If you are not working directly with an agency describe the community, group, or individuals and discuss how you identified the service need.
Part 2: Literature review and research – 20%
Research current and relevant professional literature regarding why there is a societal need for this type of agency or community or group. Based on your readings, discuss the causes or explanations for the particular service need or social justice issue. You must use at least one professional resource. If you are working with an agency you may use the agency’s website and must also include at least one other professional article or website to substantiate your discussion.
Part 3: Planning – 15%
Describe your plan for providing the service activity, including time, budget, and other human resource needs. Discuss the specific leadership and management skills you utilized while planning this activity.
Part 4: Action – 15%
Explain your actual participation in the service activity—what you did, how it was received, and any barriers you encountered. Discuss what you were thinking while you were engaged in the service. Include what leadership or management qualities or skills you demonstrated while participating in the service activity.
Part 5: Reflection and commitment – 35%
1. Describe your overall reaction to your participation in this service-learning leadership activity.
2. Discuss the professional nursing values and Mercy values you applied while participating in this service activity.
3. Describe what individual citizens and nurses can do to support the mission of the particular agency. What public health policy suggestions could you make to create systematic change in our society to address this service need?
4. Suggest a realistic commitment that you, as a professional nurse and citizen of the world, could make to exercise your social responsibility.
Mechanics – 5%
Use proper grammar, spelling, and APA format, including a title page and a reference page.