Question # 43594 | Writing | 4 years ago |
$5 |
Research Paper OUTLINE
You must include:
1) the topic: must be related directly to course material (Public Health Topic)
2) thesis statement: Your thesis is a statement (not a question or a topic) that describes what your paper will be about and provides a unique perspective (see: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/545/01/).
3) outline: Should have an introduction followed by 3 sections that will discuss 3 main points that defend your thesis and end with conclusions (see: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/544/01/)
4) at least three (3) references (2 must be outside of the class readings). All must be academic* in nature and properly formatted in APA style). APA format: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/
*A lot of students have trouble with identifying academic sources versus popular sources. Examples of popular sources include NY Times, CNN, WebMD, History Channel, and Wikipedia. These are not acceptable sources for upper level college writing.
Doesn’t specify length for outline Just needs to meet all requirements